50 Years of Earth Day

April 22 is one of my favorite days of the year.

It’s Earth Day!

While this gives us a wonderful excuse to get out and enjoy nature, I think it’s equally an opportunity to give back to our planet.

Now we may all be stuck at home right now, but there’s still plenty we can do!

In order to celebrate 50 years of Earth Day, I’ve compiled a list of 50 fun Earth-Friendly activities for all ages that you can do both at home and in the community. Have fun!





  1. Watch some live animal webcams!
  2. Take a virtual tour of a Natural History Museum
  3. Take a virtual tour of a zoo or aquarium
  4. Create your own Green City with this game:
  5. Attend New York’s 2020 Earth Fest – At Home!
  6. Learn more about Earth Day and listen to Storybook Readings from the Museum of the City of New York
  7. Learn all about the Ocean with the Smithsonian’s Secrets of the Sea.
  8. Plant a Garden (of any size!) – Did you know that you can grow a lot of your own fruits and vegetables at home by just replanting the seeds and stalks you brought from the store, instead of throwing them away?

    My grandmother makes her own little gardens out of used Styrofoam containers
  9. Take a walk (safely, please) and learn about your local flora and fauna.
    • Take pictures, bring them home, and learn all you can!
  10. Become a Wilderness Explorer at Home!
    • If you’re a Disney fan, like me, you probably know what a Wilderness Explorer is. Well, luckily, we don’t need to go to Disney to become one! There’s a new mini-series on the My Disney Experience app that can teach you everything as if you were in Disney’s Animal Kingdom!
  11. Watch an Earthy Movie
    • No matter what streaming platform you enjoy, there are countless documentaries out there on all sorts of nature-related topics. Pick your favorite, grab some popcorn, and enjoy!
  12. Do some sustainable online shopping.
    • If you’re anything like me and my friends, online shopping is one of the luxuries that is keeping us going right now. Why not make it sustainable? I’ve had so much fun looking for new earth-friendly products to try!
  13. Stargaze!
    • Earth Day this year happens to correspond with the peak of the Lyrid Meteor Shower. You don’t even need a telescope. Just find a dark spot where you can have a clear view of the sky tonight, and make those wishes!
  14. Build a Birdhouse
  15. Watch a class on Conservation online!
  16. Do a science experiment with the young ones in your life
  17. Do some science with your fellow adults
  18. Bartending/Cocktail making is just amateur chemistry, right? Have Fun.

  19. Create and Play a Recycling Game
  20. Make and go on a scavenger hunt!
    • Compile a list of things everyone can find that pertain to Nature. Rocks, recyclable materials, plants, bugs, etc. Make different levels for different ages. Explore! Have fun!
  21. Plant a Flower or a Tree!
  22. Host your own “Earth Hour.”
    • If you don’t know what Earth Hour is, it’s a designated hour where we hope as many people as possible will turn off all the lights in their house, put the electronics away, and step outside and enjoy the stars in the sky. Learn more here: https://www.earthhour.org/
  23. Break out the Crayons and COLOR!
    • Just search Google for Earth Day coloring pages and you won’t be disappointed.
    • To add a more environmentally friendly twist, there are coloring book apps for all ages to color interactively!
  24. Join one of many live, interactive Teach-Ins
  25. Reduce your “Foodprint” by finding delicious plant-based recipes to try.
  26. Have your kids make crafts out of recycled materials
  27. For adults, try some sustainable crafting!
  28. Read nature books, together or alone
    • I’m a natural bookworm, so my bookshelf is ever flowing – especially my nature shelf. There’s literally countless books out there. Libraries are still open, kindles are cool. Grab a tasty beverage and enjoy!
  29. If reading isn’t your thing, but you like stories – try listening to one!
  30. Tune in to Earth Day Live
    • Earth Day Live is a 3 day stream featuring a number of famous names to discuss science-related issues of today; including the Climate Change crisis. https://www.earthdaylive2020.org/
  31. See what NASA is up to!
    • NASA never ceases to amaze me with all the cool stuff they have going on. Their website is full of valuable sources and information about the earth. Check out their Earth Day page here: https://www.nasa.gov/content/earth-day-2020
  32. Find your virtual National Park
  33. Speaking of touring National Parks…Do you or your family members live Sesame Street?
  34. Become a Junior Ranger!
    • If you read my bio, you’ll know that I grew up becoming a National Park Junior Ranger. Those badges were my pride and joy when I was growing up. Imagine my excitement when I found out that you don’t have to physically be in a park to become one anymore? https://www.nps.gov/kids/junior-rangers.htm
  35. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a National Park
  36. Learn about baby animals!
  37. Take a class with real Park Rangers
  38. Let NASA teach you all about the Earth
  39. Help NASA explore the Crysophere – Earth’s Coldest areas
  40. Download NASA’s Visualization Explorer App
  41. Campout in your backyard!
    • A classic tradition to definitely bring back. Unpack that camping gear and pitch a tent under the stars. Don’t forget your bug spray.
  42. Enjoy a Concert to benefit the World Wildlife Foundation and UNICEF
    • WWF International has put together a live Virtual concert full of Grammy-award winning artists from around the world playing for a healthier planet. Feel free to enjoy it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqsy6azYPz8
  43. Watch the Earth Day Initiative Presentations
  44. Share your artwork!
  45. Help Save the Bees!
    • One great idea that I’ve found to help your local bee population is to build a bee house. Not too different from a bird house, it’s meant to attract bees to a safe place to hive. Here’s a source for how to build one: https://www.almanac.com/content/bee-houses-solitary-bees
  46. Make a game out of conserving resources
    • It may sound silly, but if you’re having trouble finding ways to conserve your utilities at home, maybe you need to get creative. For instance, see who can take the shortest, coolest shower? Who can go without electronics in a day the longest? Winner gets a prize!
  47. Adopt some wildlife!
  48. Literally tune into Nature
    • Sometimes we all just need to close our eyes and breathe. I particularly love doing this in nature. I find a place to sit, close my eyes, and focus only on the sounds around me. Personally, I feel very relaxed and grounded afterwards. Sometimes it even helps to add some soft, calming music in the background to help your mind relax.
  49. Make the Pledge to work towards a Better Earth for generations to come
  50. Take the Earth Day 2020 challenge
    • This years challenge focuses on collecting citizen science data in order to help research and answer the big questions of how we can help the world and our communities. Learn more here: https://earthchallenge2020.earthday.org/


Whether you’re able to try these activities today, or plan them in your days ahead, I truly hope you enjoy them, learn from them, and are inspired to learn even more.

Happy Earth Day!



The Earth has Music to those who Listen 

~ George Santayana